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Thomas R DuHamel PhD

Scheduling an appointment with Dr. DuHamel

Please complete the (Telephone Consultation Request Form) and return it directly to Dr. DuHamel at the email address provided on the form. Upon receipt of the completed form, Dr. DuHamel will contact you by telephone to schedule a consultation.

Prior to requesting a telephone consultation, Dr. DuHamel recommends that parents read his book, The Ins and Outs of Poop: A Guide to Treating Childhood Constipation, if they have not done so already.

Financial Information

Telephone Consultation Fee: $95/hr.

Payment: PayPal

Insurance: Insurance providers do not pay or reimburse for telephone consultations.

Return to Providers: Thomas DuHamel, Ph.D.

    155 NE 100th St., Suite 306 Seattle WA 98125 206.361.6884    
    Copyright © 2009-2012, ABCD, Inc.